August 16, 2019
FAQ’s on Intellimetric and Automated Essay Scoring
What is IntelliMetric® ? IntelliMetric® is an intelligent scoring system that emulates the process carried out by human scorers. IntelliMetric is theoretically grounded in a cognitive model often referred to as a “brain-based” or “mind-based” model of information processing and understanding. This Automat3ed Essay Scoring (AES) engine draws upon the traditions of Cognitive Processing, Artificial […]
June 21, 2019
Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Formative Assessment of Student Writing – A Success Story
On June 11, at the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education’s (AALHE) Ninth Annual Assessment Conference, Paul Edelblut of Vantage Labs with Rebecca Wolf and Andrew Wolf of the University of Rochester’s School of Nursing (URSON) co-presented a session entitled, “Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Formative Assessment of Student Writing.” The session […]
May 7, 2019
Is it Time to Put Paper-Based Testing to Rest?
The following is an Op-Ed/Opinion article sent to major newspapers in North Carolina by McCann President, Mark Shay. The piece is designed to fuel debate over the out-dated practice of school-based paper-based tests. Online proctoring has come a long way in the past few years, testing practices in schools, colleges and universities has not. […]
January 15, 2019
Which Machine Scoring Engine to Use: IntelliMetric vs. Approximator
In 1997 Vantage Learning’s IntelliMetric® was the first Automated Essay Scoring System to reach and exceed human-level performance. Having scored over a billion essays, IntelliMetric® is the “Gold-Standard” in automated essay scoring. With immediate scoring, accuracy, consistency, and reliability greater than human raters, IntelliMetric® is the leading essay scoring platform available today. This Web-based tool […]
December 28, 2018
Do we need Physical Assessment Centers in the Promotional Process?
A great deal of scrutiny is necessary when police and fire departments look to promote individuals to higher rank. The process varies across the country and there is no standard solution, no dominant best practice. Labor agreements, state and local laws and public accountability all factor into the practices adopted in the promotional process of […]
November 9, 2018
Web Demos of Vantage / McCann Products and Services
McCann Associates is part of the Vantage Labs family of educational technology and testing companies. Vantage started with a patent for Spellcheck and for over 20 years has brought groundbreaking products and services to educators and students. Driving all Vantage products are Natural Language Understanding and Artificial Intelligence. As a private company built from the […]
October 30, 2018
TAP-C, a new standard in Testing and Assessment Personnel Certification
The leadership team at FACTA (Florida Association of College Test Center Administrators) has worked many hours in close collaboration with McCann Associates to produce the first in a series of professional assessments for test center staff. The first assessment is designed to validate that entry level testing center staff have a strong understanding of the […]
October 26, 2018
Prep for the PERT. A Study Guide for Florida’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test
Introduction The State of Florida has established an assessment to determine a student’s college readiness. The test is called Florida’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) and is designed to adequately assess a student’s academic skills in mathematics, reading and writing. PERT Exams are computer adaptive tests offered by high schools and colleges to assess college […]
October 18, 2018
Long Live Florida’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (the PERT)
McCann Associates, a division of Vantage Labs, has produced and delivered Florida’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (the PERT) through our CollegeSuccess platform since 2010 and is proud of what it has accomplished. The test was created by a Florida Department of Education directive and has been established as Florida law as a measure of college […]
October 1, 2018
Stuck in Remediation – Overcoming College Placement Hurdles
McCann is a leading producer of placement exams; our CollegeSuccess® Standard Computer Adaptive Placement Tests are low-cost alternatives for many community colleges nationwide. The platform allows for customization which drives Florida’s PERT, the Virginia Placement Test, and many others. Diagnostic assessments are available allowing administrators to determine students’ competency-based strengths and weaknesses. Placement tests can be used in several […]